archive of hi res botanical drawings pine tree

A digital collection of botanical drawings depicting 175 common and rare, native and non-native species. The illustrators whose work is included in this collection are Ann Murray, Laura Line, Dale Johnson, Susan Trammell, Ana Ramey, Sandra Murphy-Pak, and Katrina Vitkus.

Purchase Plant Line Drawings on DVD (Hi-Res)

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front cover of coloring book  FOR TEACHERS:

  Create a coloring book using two freshwater scenics as the cover and back page

  A Glossary of Flower Parts
  A Glossary of Leaf Shapes

Jump to A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z


  • Aletris farinosa – colic-root
  • Allium canadense – Canada garlic
  • Alternanthera philoxeroides – alligator weed – Non-Native
  • Ampelopsis arborea – peppervine
  • Andropogon glomeratus – bushy beardgrass
  • Ardisia crenata – coral ardisia – Non-Native
  • Ardisia elliptica – shoebutton ardisia – Non-Native
  • Ardisia escallonioides – marlberry
  • Arundo donax – giant reed – Non-Native
  • Asimina reticulata – pawpaw
  • Azolla caroliniana – Azolla


  • Bacopa caroliniana – blue-hyssop
  • Berchemia scandens – rattan vine
  • Bidens laevis – bur-marigold
  • Brasenia schreberi – water shield
  • Butomus umbellatus – flowering rush – Non-Native


  • Cabomba caroliniana – fanwort
  • Carex spp. – sedge
  • Carex comosa – sedge
  • Carex glaucescens – waxy sedge
  • Casuarina spp. – Australian pine – Non-Native
  • Caulerpa taxifolia – caulerpa marine green alga
  • Cephalanthus occidentalis – buttonbush
  • Ceratophyllum demersum – coontail
  • Chara spp. – muskgrass
  • Cicuta mexicana – water hemlock
  • Cinnamomum camphora – camphor tree – Non-Native
  • Cladium jamaicense – saw-grass
  • Colocasia esculenta – wild taro – Non-Native
  • Colubrina asiatica – lather leaf – Non-Native
  • Crassula helmsii – swamp stonecrop – Non-Native
  • Cyperus alopecuroides – foxtail flat sedge – Non-Native
  • Cyperus difformis – smallflower umbrella sedge – Non-Native
  • Cyperus distinctus – flat sedge
  • Cyperus iria – rice flatsedge – Non-Native
  • Cyperus odoratus – flat sedge
  • Cyperus prolifer – dwarf papyrus – Non-Native


  • Decodon verticillatus – swamp loosestrife
  • Dichromena colorata – white-top sedge, Star rush
  • Dioscorea bulbifera – air potato – Non-Native


  • Echinodorus cordifolius – creeping burhead
  • Egeria densa – waterweed – Non-Native
  • Eichhornia crassipes – water hyacinth – Non-Native
  • Eleocharis baldwinii – slender spikerush
  • Eleocharis equisetoides – jointed spikerush
  • Equisetum hyemale – scouring rush horsetail
  • Eriocaulon decangulare – ten-angle pipewort


  • Fuirena scirpoidea – rush fuirena


  • Habenaria blephariglottis – white fringed orchid
  • Helianthus angustifolius – narrow-leaf sunflower
  • Hydrilla verticillata – hydrilla – Non-Native
  • Comparisons: Hydrilla-Elodea-Egeria
  • Comparisons: Hydrilla-Elodea-Egeria-Lagarosiphon
  • Hydrocharis morsus-ranae – European frog-bit – Non-Native
  • Hydrocotyle spp. – water pennywort
  • Hygrophila polysperma – hygro – Non-Native
  • Hymenachne amplexicaulis – East Indian marsh grass – Non-Native


  • Ipomoea aquatica – water spinach – Non-Native
  • Ipomoea fistulosa – blue morning-glory – Non-Native
  • Iris virginica – southern blue flag
  • Iris pseudacorus – yellow flag – Non-Native


  • Juncus effusus – soft rush
  • Juncus elliottii – Elliott's rush
  • Juncus megacephalus – bighead rush


  • Lachnanthes caroliniana – redroot
  • Lagarosiphon spp. – African elodea – Non-Native
  • Landoltia punctata – dotted duckweed – Non-Native
  • Lemna minor – small duckweed
  • Liatris spicata – blazing star
  • Ligustrum sinense – Chinese privet – Non-Native
  • Lilium catesbaei – Catesby's lily
  • Limnobium spongia – frog's bit
  • Limnocharis flava -flowering rush – Non-Native
  • Limnophila sessiliflora – limnophila – Non-Native
  • Lobelia cardinalis – cardinal-flower
  • Ludwigia alternifolia – seed-box
  • Ludwigia grandiflora – large flower primrose willow
  • Ludwigia peruviana – Peruvian primrose-willow
  • Ludwigia repens – red ludwigia
  • Luziola fluitans – watergrass
  • Lygodium japonicum – Japanese climbing fern – Non-Native
  • Lygodium microphyllum – Old World climbing fern – Non-Native
  • Lythrum salicaria – purple loosestrife – Non-Native


  • Mayaca fluviatilis – bog moss
  • Melaleuca quinquenervia – melaleuca – Non-Native
  • Melia azedarach – Chinaberry – Non-Native
  • Melothria pendula – creeping cucumber
  • Micranthemum glomeratum – baby's-tears
  • Mimosa pigra – giant sensitive plant – Non-Native
  • Monochoria hastata – Non-Native
  • Monochoria vaginalis – Non-Native
  • Muhlenbergia capillaris – Gulf muhly grass
  • Myriophyllum aquaticum – parrot feather – Non-Native
  • Myriophyllum heterophyllum – variable-leaved milfoil
  • Myriophyllum spicatum – Eurasian water milfoil – Non-Native


  • Najas guadalupensis – southern naiad
  • Nechamandra alternifolia – Non-Native
  • Nelumbo lutea – American lotus
  • Nephrolepis cordifolia – Boston fern
  • Nitella spp. – stonewort
  • Nuphar advena – cow lily, spatterdock
  • Nymphaea odorata – fragrant water lily
  • Nymphoides aquatica – banana lily
  • Nymphoides cristata – crested floating heart
  • Nymphoides indica – water snowflake
  • Nymphoides peltata – yellow floating heart – Non-Native


  • Oryza rufipogon – wild red rice – Non-Native
  • Oscillatoria spp.
  • Oxypolis filiformis – water dropwort


  • Paederia foetida – skunk vine – Non-Native
  • Panicum hemitomon – maidencane
  • Panicum repens – torpedograss – Non-Native
  • Parthenocissus quinquefolia – Virginia creeper
  • Paspalum urvillei – vasey grass – Non-Native
  • Passiflora incarnata – purple passion flower
  • Pennisetum purpureum – elephant grass – Non-Native
  • Phalaris arundinacea – reed canarygrass – Non-Native
  • Phragmites australis – common reed
  • Pistia stratiotes – water lettuce – Non-Native
  • Polygonum densiflorum – dense-flower knotweed
  • Polygonum hydropiperoides – swamp smartweed
  • Pontederia cordata – pickerelweed
  • Pontederia rotundifolia – tropical pickerelweed – Non-Native
  • Potamogeton crispus – curly pondweed – Non-Native
  • Potamogeton diversifolius – variable-leaved pondweed
  • Potamogeton illinoensis – Illinois pondweed
  • Potamogeton pusillus – pondweed
  • Potamogeton richardsonii – Richardson's pondweed
  • Proserpinaca palustris – marsh mermaid-weed
  • Proserpinaca pectinata – combleaf mermaid-weed


  • Rhodomyrtus tomentosus – downy rose myrtle – Non-Native
  • Rhynchospora cephalantha – bunched beakrush
  • Rhynchospora inundata – inundated beakrush
  • Ruellia simplex – Mexican-petunia


  • Sacciolepis striata – American cupscale-grass
  • Sagittaria filiformis (S. stagnorum) – standing-water arrowhead
  • Sagittaria graminea – slender arrowhead
  • Sagittaria lancifolia – bulltongue arrowhead
  • Salvinia minima – water spangles – Non-Native
  • Salvinia molesta – giant salvinia – Non-Native
  • Sambucus canadensis – elderberry
  • Sapium sebiferum – Chinese tallow – Non-Native
  • Saururus cernuus – lizard's-tail
  • Schinus terebinthifolia – Brazilian pepper-tree – Non-Native
  • Scirpus californicus – giant bulrush
  • Scirpus cubensis – Cuban bulrush
  • Scleria lacustris – Wright's nut-rush – Non-Native
  • Senna pendula – climbing cassia – Non-Native
  • Smilax species – comparisons
  • Smilax glauca – cat greenbrier
  • Smilax laurifolia – bamboo vine
  • Smilax tamnoides – bristly greenbrier
  • Smilax walteri – coral greenbrier
  • Solanum tampicense – aquatic soda apple – Non-Native
  • Sparganium americanum – American bur-reed
  • Sparganium erectum – bur-reed – Non-Native
  • Spartina alterniflora – smooth cordgrass
  • Spirodela polyrhiza – giant duckweed
  • Spirogyra spp.
  • Stratiotes aloides – water soldier, Water aloe – Non-Native


  • Thalia geniculata – fire flag
  • Trapa natans – water chestnut – Non-Native
  • Typha (T. domingensis, T. latifolia) – cat-tail
  • Ulothrix spp.
  • Urochloa mutica (Brachiaria mutica) – para grass – Non-Native
  • Utricularia purpurea – purple bladderwort
  • Utricularia radiata – little floating bladderwort


  • Vallisneria americana – tape grass
  • Viola spp. – American violet
  • Vitis aestivalis spp. – summer grape
  • Vitis rotundifolia spp. – muscadine grape
  • Vossia cuspidata – hippo grass – Non-Native


  • Wolffia columbiana – water-meal
  • Wolffiella floridana – mud-midget


  • Xyris spp. – yellow-eyed grass


  • Zizania aquatica – wild rice
  • Zizaniopsis miliaceae – giant cutgrass


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